Singing Guide: The Vines

Singing Guide: The Vines

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Vines are known for their raw, high-energy rock sound. To sing like Craig Nicholls, the band's lead vocalist, it's essential to master his unique vocal technique that features raspy, high-pitched screams and strained, guttural low notes. Here are some practical tips to help you sing like The Vines:

  1. Start with proper breathing technique. Singing requires coordinated breathing from your diaphragm to produce volume, tone, and endurance. Use Singing Carrots' breathing, breath support, and active-passive breathing articles to hone your diaphragm and lung capacity.
  2. Warm up your voice before singing. It's essential to have a proper warm-up to avoid straining your vocal cords. The Farinelli breath exercise and 3-minute warm-up video are highly effective in preparing your voice for a full performance.
  3. Master your chest voice. The Vines' music is heavily reliant on a robust chest voice, and so it's crucial that you learn to sing in that register. The vocal range test and vocal pitch monitor will help you to determine your chest voice pitch and control.
  4. Use Twang and Growling Techniques. The Vines' sound is characterized by a high-pitched, screaming vocal style, a sound that can be achieved with Twang and Growling techniques. To get started on these techniques, use Singing Carrots' Twang and Growling videos.
  5. Practice singing with emotion. Nicholls brings raw emotion to his singing. Practice singing with intent, aim to convey authentic emotions and a sense of conviction behind each line.
  6. Sing along with your favorite Vines songs in their original key. Some great selections for you to study would be "Get Free," "Outtathaway!," and "Ride." You can use Singing Carrots' Songbook to create your performance set to sing along with lyrics and YouTube audio.

With these tips and the resources listed above, you'll be well on your way to mastering Craig Nicholls' unique vocal style, and you'll be rocking like The Vines in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.